You are here: 2. General Ledger > 2.7. END OF PERIOD Menu > 2.7.1. End of Period - End of Month > Running GL End of Month

Running GL End of Month

When you have completed the Bank Reconciliation for the month, verified the GL Trial Balance, and reconciled your GL control account balances, you can run an End of Month rollover.



All other users must be logged out of all Micronet applications before you process a GL End of Month.

To run the GL EOM rollover:


Micronet displays the Process an End of Month screen showing the period to be closed.

This screen shows the date of the last EOM rollover (or Never if you have not run an EOM rollover before) as well as any other relevant warnings. If your last EOM rollover was less than 20 days ago, Micronet will not allow you to do the End of Month update. If you need to do an EOM rollover, contact the Micronet Service Desk.

  1. Select the End of Month button to run the EOM rollover.

Micronet displays a message asking you to confirm that you want to run the EOM rollover.

  1. Select Yes to run the EOM rollover.

When the End of Month rollover is complete, Micronet displays a message.

  1. Select OK to clear the message.


Technical Tip

The End of Month process does not “close” the month’s ledger. Prior postings may still be done to any prior period.




Under no circumstances should an EOM process be left to run by itself or be terminated, as data corruption may occur.

You can access your End of Month data using the Micronet End of Month Launcher. For more information, see "Micronet End of Month Launcher" in the Distribution System manual.